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It’s a long story (part 1)

Boomerangs and Square Pegs, my first novel, clocked in at nearly 300 pages in the PDF version. For those with a print copy, apologies for my not having numbered the pages. I would’ve if I could’ve, but modern versions of word processors don’t make this simple. Believe me: I tried. But the length of Boomerangs…

Nothing at all happened in Sector 23 by 8 by 14 today

Amen! Er, ahem! Remember the good old days (i.e., last week) when Canadians could see their own media via Meta, all before Meta refused to pay even a pittance in royalties to journalists? Me, too. Good times. Ah, but there’s no sense in waxing nostalgic about what was. Those days are gone… at least until…

Absolutely nothing happened today in Sector 23 by 8 by 11

Canadians still cannot see their own media via Meta, and all because the rich refuse to pay even a pittance in royalties to journalists. This is a shame. Meta has done this before to countries which have demanded what Canada is now demanding. In the case of other countries, Meta has backed down. In Canada,…

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